Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Check In and Chow Down

I am loving the thinking behind this German dog food sampling activity via FourSquare / Outdoor! Nice way of driving habit and trial. After all, puppy training is all about habit formation: reward good behaviour and do it consistently and repeatedly!

Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

Friday irreverence

No excuses, this won't win any prizes for being a thoughtful or insightful post, but it made me smile.

My colleague Julia sent me this copy & image she'd found and loving a good bit of mashing and mischief  as I do, it appealed to me at the end of a mad week.

In the not too distant future, YouTube, Twitter & Facebook will merge to form one giant, idiotic,super time wasting website called... 

Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Putting things in perspective

It's the 14th March, and the first time I've posted this month. Shocking. So much going on, so little time. My reading list is stacking up, I've barely caught up on last month's Mobile Congress, let alone last week's SXSW, so many things I have good intention of writing posts about.

It's so easy to feel caught up in the never ending stream of data and information around us, we all have to develop our own protocols and process for coping or keeping up in our own way.  But iPad 2 launch last Friday or not, everything slips into real perspective when you look at the terrible events surrounding the earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan last Friday. I am incredibly thankful that all my friends in Japan have got in touch and reassured me they are ok, even if some have some pretty incredible stories to tell. It should be "sakura" season in Japan, a time for spring celebration and cherry blossom picnics, but with more aftershocks expected and lots of very "now" issues to contend with the Japanese will have little time for that sadly.  My thoughts are with them all a lot.

Watch this scary and amazing video of the tsunami flood waters rushing through a town. Don't just do what so many of us do so often and just watch the first 30 seconds. 6 minutes of your life are few in the grand scheme, and it will put everything else in your day in perspective.

Check out this series of before and after earthquake pictures too.  

You can make a donation to the relief effort via the British Red Cross, via Facebook Causes  and via an assortment of other methods including iTunes too.

Google have set up a Japanese earthquake and tsunami crisis resource aggregator too.

Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011

iPad 2 Live 2011: iPad 2 Release Accompanied By Flood Of Accessories

[The Smart Cover And Combination Charger and HDMI Out Cord Set To Accompany the iPad 2 Release]

If you’re considering buying an iPad 2, and after what all you’ve seen today you just might be–even I’m thinking about it and I’ve been a staunch PC user since I was 14–then you’ll want to know that Apple’s got some added accessories ready to go out to help you make the most of your Apple experience (not to mention lay a few more bucks in Apple’s pocket) a clever combination charger and HDMI cord, and a magnetic angled stand and case called a Smart Cover.
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The Smart Cover isn’t really so much of a case as a cover–hence the name–but what it does is fold in a series of points to allow you a variety of different configurations for your iPad 2. For instance, one such configuration will let you set the iPad 2 down on a tabletop with a slight angle trending up and away from you, like a keyboard might be, thus allowing you an easier time of typing on the device. A second configuration would serve as an easel, putting the iPad 2 up in the air and giving you access to its controls, or letting it work like a giant digital photo frame. Plus, it wakes the iPad when you open it and puts it to sleep when you close it, working entirely by magnets that grasp and automatically align the iPad 2. There’s even a microfiber lining that cleans the screen while the cover’s down. They come in your choice of colors, and either in polyurethane, which costs $39 each, or leather, which bumps that up to $69.

Also, we mentioned that Apple’s put an HDMI output on their iPad 2, which is a very welcome inclusion for those of you think most any tablet screen is too small, but this brought in a whole new accessory that will actually be pretty valuable–a combination charger and HDMI output cord that plugs into the dock connector, allowing you to use that charge-and-use function. You’ll have to put out $39 for one of those, but considering what it does, it’ll be a terribly valuable cord to have.

So while you may have your own preference in casing, the cord will pretty much be a must-buy, and you’ll be able to get these yourselves when the iPad 2 itself emerges.


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