Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011

Nokia President talks Windows Phones, Carriers, and America

Nokia: Apple iOS and Android are "outdated" from Venturebeat on Vimeo

Nokia's USA President Chris Weber seems to be making the rounds lately. Earlier Weber sat down with AllThingsD and revealed Symbian will be wiped out entirely in the United States. Now Weber returns in the above video interview with VentureBeat. In it he talks about how Microsoft is differentiating its OS from the reliance on apps, how Nokia is going to become the most "carrier-friendly" manufacturer, and how the company is readying itself to "act like a startup" when push comes to shove this Fall. It's a great interview and we recommend you watch it. There's also an accompanying article that goes more in-depth by mixing in parts of the interview with broad ideas Nokia is talking about, as well as off-screen talks with Weber about other snazzy new features in Mango. Read that here.

Via: The Nokia Blog
Source: VentureBeat

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