You can't beat anything that features Animal (Mahna Mahna) & Miss Piggy.
Rabu, 25 November 2009
The Muppets sing Bohemian Rhapsody
You can't beat anything that features Animal (Mahna Mahna) & Miss Piggy.
Selasa, 24 November 2009
Budget Airline Digital Gold
Put the two together & you get something like this.
Mobile mash-up
Now the principle has been mashed and re-applied, had some mobile QR code fun thrown in and resulting in an interesting project called the Living Book.
Spare 4 minutes and watch this:
Jumat, 20 November 2009
Behind the scenes of search...
A Friday Creative Delight ...
Enjoy (6 mins)
Senin, 16 November 2009
Challenging old notions of value via social media
There's lots of people like me scratching their heads and trying to crack a definitive measurement / value model for digital interactions with consumers in the digital space. There's lots of things we can measure, and some we can't (yet) but one of the biggest challenges is relating direct cause and effect of money spent on initiatives in social spaces and sales uplift. It's a tricky one. How do you qualify and quantify social influence to a client that's used to seeing x# TVR's (tv ratings) = y% sales uplift, and, rarely (and rightly) is digital / social media activity conducted in a vacuum.
Half the battle is getting clients to think about the longer term and get out of a campaign led mentality that only sees value in ££ and 6 week windows. Value in my mind means relationships, interactions, contributions, permission to engage in dialogue, reviews, all of which contribute to brand / product consideration sets and eventually sales. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, maybe in 3 or 6 months. That's why the Aleksandr Orlov/Compare the Meerkat campaign is so brilliant. There are always people in the market for one insurance product or another. Stick to campaign phasing to raise awareness and you'll only ever capture the active prospects for that 4 week window of activity. Yet by being regularly visible and releant via social media you can achieve ongoing top of mind awareness.
Marketers also need to recognise that consumers will only talk about things when it's relevant to them and their lives. So your brand might have done something interesting, & engaged someone's attention but the glowing recommendation to a friend might not occur for 6 months. In my books that doesn't make it less valuable at all. Just harder to correlate and prove, because the recommendation will no doubt have come about because of multiple stimuli that may have occurred on or offline.
There are a few "social media" success stories being touted around(apart from my meerkat mate), and I've just tripped over this round up of some of them. Take them for what they are, often supposition, and not spelled out, nor with details of what the objectives were but to stimulate thought it would be 4 minutes of your day well spent. Then go and think about whether you are setting the right real objectives for your digital activities and therefore the right metrics.
Jumat, 13 November 2009
Cultural adaptation of great ideas
Aleksandr Orlov interviews the Hoff and adds podcasts to his repertoire
Well it's just been released, seemingly on Twitter first.
Beyond contributing to his celebrity status and the connection his ever growing fanbase (610k fans on Facebook, 30k on Twitter) have with the campaign, by branching into audio he'll also contribute and bolster site SEO. Super smart.
I urge you to listen.
Cunningly it also crams in a plug for the new limited edition Aleksandr cuddly toys on sale in Harrods. Subtle and very smart.
This podcast has utterly the content highlight of my week. I wish I could meet and personally congratulate the scriptwriters. They must be having so much fun. I have been chortling to myself for the last 12 minutes.
12 minutes I CHOSE to spend with a piece of branded content. Imagine the cost of that in passive TV advertising terms? And it was so funny I'm going to go right back and listen to it again.
This campaign just goes from strength to strength and I am enjoying every interaction I have with it.
Kamis, 12 November 2009
Story-telling in a world of context, connectivity and choice.
It made me think about the enduring power of good content to attract audiences and create conversations, but also the challenges facing the TV industry in terms of funding content creation. Maybe a hangover from being out with some of my TV broadcast / production mates last week. Coincidentally last night I found this interesting presentation (via one of my Twitter buddies) about how storytelling is evolving in our fast changing world.
Spare a few moments, well worth it.
Know what's what with your digital after-life
But what happens to all that data and all those websites or newsletters you've signed up for when you die? Would your executors automatically get granted access to your accounts? Would they even know what you had accounts for? Where would they start in terms of getting access to them without knowing your passwords? Like most people, I store my many passwords in my head. I change them fairly regularly having had my identity stolen 2 years ago. I have different profiles for different things. That wouldn't help anyone were I to meet with an unfortunate accident. Heaven forbid. To my knowledge there isn't any online Credit Card Sentinel-type service where one call/email cancels or puts on ice everything, just as one call to Sentinel sorts out cancelling all your cards etc if your wallet gets stolen. That's probably because updating it would feel hideously onerous as we scatter our digital breadcrumbs far and wide in our travels across the web.
I hadn't really given it much thought 'til a mate of mine tweeted this link to an interesting article that rounds up current policy from major websites like Facebook, Gmail and Yahoo. Worth a read & sharing the link with others too.
Rabu, 11 November 2009
Evaluating ideas & creativity
Great food for thought / model to twiddle and overlay your ideas on to to sense check. It's the nicest visualisation I've seen that I can apply what I call my recipe & ingredients list for evaluating content ideas against.
Getting closer to real time search
Most people say real time search & mean/expect tweets (as results), but most of the real time search engines are also scouring blogs, videos, images and news items too as priority over those big monolithic corporate websites brands have got so good at building. Google recently announced they will be adding tweet results / real time search, BingTweets has been around for ages now (in web time) and I like it a lot for giving you that at a glance snapshot of the static and the here and now/ adding a dimension of real opinion to the mix. Throw in a Google Sidewiki and search now has much more personality and opinion than ever before.
All the more reason that brands should be getting smarter about SEO (search engine optimisation), and recognising the importance of blended / universal search results and the power of social media to influence people's perceptions at the point of jump off (search engine results being the primary trampoline point of most people's web travels).
Of the many players in the real time search wars, including One Riot, Topsy, Twingly, Dogpile, and Stinky Teddy , (the sillier the name .... seems to be the attention seeking tactic), I'll call out LeapFish because they've pulled together this rather slick video, and better still, it doesn't include the anthem of the year for web videos "Right here, right now" by Fat Boy Slim! (John V Willshire and I were recently very flippantly debating whether we could solve a load of advertiser interruption problems by just buying pre-rolls on the front of any video using that now so overused tune!). Trouble is, YouTube have just announced they are going to have another go at flogging skippable pre-rolls. Dammit! Best laid plans of mice and men...
Armistice Day & cause motivated influence
Anyone that's ever been to see the war graves in France can not but help to feel humbled by the massive loss of life. Bing UK & Bing France were both showing their support today:
I posted recently about the Twibbon poppy you could add to your Twitter icon, and then duly went on to encourage my Twitter buddies to join the cause, more than once...
Many did add a poppy. I was in the very great company of 22k other Twitterers.
To me this is the digital equivalent of the Lance Armstrong Live Strong yellow bands many of us were sporting a year or so ago.
A simple gesture, but which via tools like Twitter can reach into many nooks and crannies of the interweb that mainstream media couldn't achieve and proves that there's some serious critical mass / reach possible, if you capture imagination and motivation, which time upon time is the brick wall I come up against when challenged to prove social media and word of mouth can actually deliver.
No-one forced those 22k people to adopt the poppy. It was voluntary. It succeeded for all the usual reasons that people are happy to be associated with something, be it a brand, a campaign or a cause.... it makes them look good, it's useful, interesting or relevant. As a result they were happy to become advocates and use their influence to spread the word (= awareness) to encourage participation (engagement).
Selasa, 10 November 2009
(Reading) Shortcuts in a busy world
This year I've read a great book called Nudge, I'm reading Grown Up Digital (slowly, 'cos whilst it's very interesting it's a big hardback, too big for handbags and tube commuting), and I do make an effort to read things that provoke and challenge in amongst the host of things my bookworm habit encompasses. But to save those of you who are less motivated an awful lot of time I've just come across a fabulous shortcut to some synopses of some of the bigger business / digital titles that have been kicking around the must-read list for a while.
Enjoy feeling smug after you've clicked here.
Thought for the day...
It's visually appealling and full of random trivia facts, that may be true or not, but it doesn't really matter! I may have to add it to the "just visit for fun" site list as part of my morning routine. Bing, learn something everyday, Artwiculate & Stumble Upon lucky dip (now with video stumble too)....
You are never too old to learn something new.
Jumat, 06 November 2009
Kleenex play in multi territories but don't quite join up all the dots
But then last night I saw this Kleenex Ant-viral tube card panel, and then heard radio ads too.
This morning coming out of Paddington Station I then met Kleenex AntiViral super hero Kavman, sampling tissues and handing out this "Daily Tissue" leaflet & coupon off future sales.
So fair play for covering multiple bases, just a shame they hadn't bothered to put a URL on the leaflet. Nor seem to be joining up the dots to make more of Kavman in other spaces, given the recent success of campaigns like Compare the Meerkat and using characters to further conversations between brands and consumers. A quick search on Bing revealed lots of links to Kleenex sites (but which one to choose?) but nothing on Kavman. Missed a trick there!
Then I just found this ad on Facebook....
Leading to this page,
That ties in with TV ad nicely but what about the sampling activity and Kavman?? We'll award points for trying to amplify the Let it out campaign via a Facebook page that includes emotion tests and a competition to win a year's supply of tissues but then deduct a few points too for having not joined up the dots properly.
Close but no cigar.
Kamis, 05 November 2009
Windows 7 RTM Infected by 8 Out of 10 Viruses, Claims Security Outfit
“We grabbed the next 10 unique samples that arrived in the SophosLabs feed to see how well the newer, more secure version of Windows and UAC held up. Unfortunately, despite Microsoft's claims, Windows 7 disappointed just like earlier versions of Windows. The good news is that, of the freshest 10 samples that arrived, 2 would not operate correctly under Windows 7,” noted Chester Wisniewski, Senior Security Advisor.
We will not comment on the legitimacy of the claims coming from Sophos, or of the initiative, but we will say that their testing methodology is far from, well, an actual testing methodology. The fact that a specific group of 10, and no more than 10, malware samples resulted in a high rate of infections for Windows 7 does not justify the generalization implying that Windows 7 is vulnerable to 80% of the malicious code currently active. Sophos should have tested a consistent portion of all its malware samples for various types of malicious code, and only thereafter draw conclusions.
“User Account Control did block one sample; however, its failure to block anything else just reinforces my warning prior to the Windows 7 launch that UAC's default configuration is not effective at protecting a PC from modern malware. Lesson learned? You still need to run anti-virus on Windows 7,” Wisniewski stated.
Malicious code that infected Windows 7
Enlarge picture
Just to be clear, Microsoft never said that Windows 7 didn’t need anti-virus products. In fact, much to the contrary, the Redmond company has always made sure to stress the necessity of running security solutions for its end users. Actually, it even proceeded to offering Microsoft Security Essentials 1.0, a basic but free anti-virus, designed to protect users that cannot afford, or simply don’t want to buy a complex security suite.
Early adopters that followed the development process of Windows Vista’s successor know that the software giant has made sure to have security solutions supporting the OS even as early as the Beta stage in January 2009.
“Windows 7 is no cure for the virus blues, so be sure to bring your protection when you boot up,” Wisniewski concludes. Yes, Windows 7 is not a panacea for security. But on the other hand, the threat environment continues to expand, evolve, and thrive, even with all the antivirus products offered by security companies, some of which are multi-million businesses built on the back of the Windows operating system.
And Wisniewski should know that UAC is not a security barrier; namely, the User Account Control, whether in Vista or in Windows 7, does not offer impenetrable protection. The UAC is simply an added mitigation. Given sufficient time and effort, UAC, like any other security mitigation, can be bypassed. Still, it is specifically on the time and effort factors that Microsoft is betting on. Building a perfect operating system is a pipe dream. Creating and setting in place sufficient mitigations to deter attackers, by making it simply not worth their time and money to exploit Windows, is not only a realistic scenario, but also the strategy that made Windows Vista more secure compared to Windows XP.
UAC by itself is insufficient to stop attacks, but the User Account Control is designed to work in concert with additional security mitigation. Windows 7 does not rely on UAC as the first and only line of defense; it also offers users Internet Explorer Protect Mode, Kernel Patch Protection, DEP, Address space layout randomization (ASLR) etc.
This is not the first time that Sophos takes aim at a recently released Window client. Back in 2006, even before Windows Vista was finalized, the security company revealed: "Sophos experts note that on the launch date of Microsoft's Windows Vista operating system, three of the top ten - including Stratio-Zip - are capable of bypassing the product's security defences and infecting users' PCs. The Vista-resistant malware - W32/Stratio-Zip, W32/Netsky-P and W32/MyDoom-O - comprise 39.7% of all malware currently circulating."
Windows Vista is indeed more secure than Windows XP, and the statistics provided by SIRv7, and previous releases of the report are a clear indication of this fact. However, Microsoft always advised end users to run security solutions with Vista. The same is valid for Windows 7.
One problem that we have with Sophos’ test is that Wisniewski does not mention anywhere how it was actually performed. Was the Windows 7 computer simply connected to the Internet and the viruses infected the OS without any sort of user interaction? Because we really doubt this.
Or did Sophos researchers simply put the viruses on the Windows 7 machine and executed the malicious code samples? If this is the case, such a test only shows that the vulnerability sits behind the chair and the computer monitor, but certainly cannot be found in Windows 7. There’s no security barrier or patch for preventing users from installing malware on their own computers.
Microsoft Security Essentials 1.0 is available for download here.
Mac OS X 10.6.2 Build 10C540 Seeded to Developers
Apple developers have received a new build of the second maintenance and security update to Snow Leopard, Mac OS X 10.6.2 Build 10C540. The incremental update is on track to deliver over 150 code corrections, to which build 10C540 adds fixes for AirPort performance issues on the newly released iMacs, as well as for a problem that arose when plugging and unplugging a system to an Apple TV.
People familiar with the build also point out to a VMWare fix included with 10.6.2. The fix presumably targets the newly released VMware Fusion version 3.0, according to AppleInsider. Build 10C540 also fixes reported panic issues with USB, Apple Filing Protocol, and some video cards. Courtesy of World of Apple, the complete seed notes for Build 10C540 are available below. Mac OS X 10.6.2 is expected to drop this month. The update also includes an important fix for a widely reported data-eating bug on Snow Leopard.
Known Issues
Focus Areas (Changes in 10C540)
Resolves an AFP panic.
Resolves a performance issue on new iMacs.
Fixes a system hang issue on some video cards.
Resolves a kernel panic on some video cards.
Resolves an issue with plugging and unplugging to an Apple TV.
Resolves a VMWare issue.
Resolves a panic with USB.
Updated Components in Mac OS X 10.6.2:
Apache Portable Runtime;
Battery Menu Extra;
Component Manager;
Core Chinese Engine;
Core Media;
Core Animation;
Core Applications;
CoreData Framework;
CoreData Predicates;
Date Time Prefs;
Dictionary Application;
Family Controls;
Front Row;
Garbage Collection;
GPU Compute;
Help Viewer;
High Level Toolbox;
iCal Exchange;
iChat Audio/Video/BuddyList/Jabber/Menu/Pref;
iDisk Syncing;
Image Capture;
IOKit Kernel;
Japanese Analysis;
Kotoeri Dictionary Trainer;
Language Analysis;
Latent Semantic Mapping;
Mosaic Screen Saver;
Network Pref Pane;
Objective C;
Parental Controls;
Phone Conduit Sync;
Photo Booth;
Quartz Composer ;
QuickLook Office;
QuickDraw Manager;
QuickTime Player;
Screen Saver;
Screen Sharing;
Software Update;
Speech Recognition;
Spell Checker;
Sync Services;
System Prefs;
System Configuration;
System UI Server;
Text Checking;
Time Machine;
Time Zone Data;
Traditional Chinese Input Method;
Translation Widget;
Universal Access Pref Pane;
Voice Over;
Weather Widget;
People familiar with the build also point out to a VMWare fix included with 10.6.2. The fix presumably targets the newly released VMware Fusion version 3.0, according to AppleInsider. Build 10C540 also fixes reported panic issues with USB, Apple Filing Protocol, and some video cards. Courtesy of World of Apple, the complete seed notes for Build 10C540 are available below. Mac OS X 10.6.2 is expected to drop this month. The update also includes an important fix for a widely reported data-eating bug on Snow Leopard.
Known Issues
Focus Areas (Changes in 10C540)
Resolves an AFP panic.
Resolves a performance issue on new iMacs.
Fixes a system hang issue on some video cards.
Resolves a kernel panic on some video cards.
Resolves an issue with plugging and unplugging to an Apple TV.
Resolves a VMWare issue.
Resolves a panic with USB.
Updated Components in Mac OS X 10.6.2:
Apache Portable Runtime;
Battery Menu Extra;
Component Manager;
Core Chinese Engine;
Core Media;
Core Animation;
Core Applications;
CoreData Framework;
CoreData Predicates;
Date Time Prefs;
Dictionary Application;
Family Controls;
Front Row;
Garbage Collection;
GPU Compute;
Help Viewer;
High Level Toolbox;
iCal Exchange;
iChat Audio/Video/BuddyList/Jabber/Menu/Pref;
iDisk Syncing;
Image Capture;
IOKit Kernel;
Japanese Analysis;
Kotoeri Dictionary Trainer;
Language Analysis;
Latent Semantic Mapping;
Mosaic Screen Saver;
Network Pref Pane;
Objective C;
Parental Controls;
Phone Conduit Sync;
Photo Booth;
Quartz Composer ;
QuickLook Office;
QuickDraw Manager;
QuickTime Player;
Screen Saver;
Screen Sharing;
Software Update;
Speech Recognition;
Spell Checker;
Sync Services;
System Prefs;
System Configuration;
System UI Server;
Text Checking;
Time Machine;
Time Zone Data;
Traditional Chinese Input Method;
Translation Widget;
Universal Access Pref Pane;
Voice Over;
Weather Widget;
Car park of useful things
Technorati's 2009 State of the Blogosphere
Sysomos's very interesting report on online video, who's watching / embedding most, on which video platforms (because there's more to video than YouTube), + includes a piece on bloggers around the workd that tesselates nicely with the Technorati stuff.
Mary Meeker's latest views on where tech & the web & especially mobile is heading. You can download the whole 68 page shabang here
Oh go on, express yourself. Kleenex get Sir Bob & Sven to let it out...
Rabu, 04 November 2009
Being charitable...

Have you got yours? Easy to add (and remove for those of you that are jumpy) just click here. Just make sure you stick some money in a donation box too!
Then, following on from Remembrance Day, there's BBC Children in Need. They've adopted a similar approach, allowing people to spread the word for them, by offering ways to sport a Pudsey Bear Bandana on your social profiles, in conjunction with a PayPal donation which makes the twibbon notion work harder. Smart.
The nice chaps over at ETV have kindly sent a few of the guys in my office a cuddly Pudsey and are going to donate £1 for every photo they receive of Pudsey on his travels, so here's one I took this morning.
Pudsey and I will no doubt be sharing many adventures over the next few weeks as I'm happy to harness the genorosity of ETV for a great cause. These days, motivated by a good cause and equipped with a phone that takes photos it's incredibly easy to get people involved & creating content.
What could your brand do to harness the power of mobile as an always on hand device & to encourage consumers to get involved? I loved this Yahoo campaign from the summer.
Who is the real brand manager now??
As the oft recycled quotes go, a brand is no longer what the brand managers tell us it is, it's what Google, Bing, or other consumers tell us it is. We trust other people over advertising. Nothing has changed there, but we just now all have access to a whole raft more people. Unfortunately there's still rather a lot of brand managers / organisations that haven't quite grasped that they don't have quite the same control that they used to and that's something they need to learn to embrace, welcoming the dialogue and input consumers will happily and freely give them.
Many thanks to my friend Mark for sending me this fabulous Tom Fishburne cartoon this morning. It's very timely as I had a conversation on this very topic yesterday. I know it's one of those images that I am going to be able to put into presentations time after time :-)
Selasa, 03 November 2009
The out-take is so often open to interpretation
The headline this chart was taken from was "Loyal visitors but small share from social sites", and the conclusion being that whilst the number of visitors to a site coming from a social networking site was small they were likely to visit several times (good!), whereas search engines are still overwhelmingly driving the lions share of traffic, but not traffic that returns.
Now admittedly I've not read the whole of Chitika research piece or deconstructed the methodology, but for me whilst it's great that social network sites can help drive traffic if that's what you are trying to use them for, there appears to be a key point that hasn't been brought to the table:
Half the point of having a brand page or group on Facebook or similar is so that people can interact with your brand / experience / event IN AN ENVIRONMENT THEY ARE IN ANYWAY. So trying to distract a consumer from what they were there to do (interact with their friends) and drag them off to your site is a bit like picking someone up by the scruff of the neck and dragging them against their will to somewhere they don't necessarily want to be.
You wouldn't like it if someone did it to you now would you?? I read something recently that said something along the lines of "a marketer wouldn't dream of interrupting a phone conversation, but they keep wanting to interrupt in social media environments". You need to make your brand part of the conversation not irritatingly interrupt it. That's just bad manners, and yes it might get you talked about but maybe not for the right reasons.
As ever it comes down to making sure that the metrics you set for activity are the right ones, and click through isn't the only option in the digital measurement toolbox.
Sometimes you can't imagine the possibilities...
I just found this piece of Lightspeeed Research quoted by e-marketer which was headlined "Americans want brands that inform...[..] but don't get too friendly".
Personally, I think that's a bit like that infamous story (I paraphrase) of when asking people what they wanted in terms of new features out of a new VHS player, consumers asked for a 2 speed rewind rather than imagining the possibilities of the DVD format. Sometimes consumers just can't imagine, recognise or define what they want / might want until they've experienced it.
We all have a range of friends and acquaintances, some are close, some are not so close, and those relationships are all useful for different purposes and at different times.
I don't see why having a relationship / friendship with a brand is any different. There are times when it will be important to me and times when it will be less so, but on whatever terms, the whole point that many brands miss so frequently is that relationships are 2 way. There has to be give and take. I always liked the Stephen Covey notion of emotional bank accounts. Some people contribute / add credit and some people debit. If a relationship becomes too one sided/debit lead it becomes an effort and you'll place less value on it or just discard it.
I'm very happy to be Alexsandr Orlov or Ted's friend on Facebook / on Twitter. They add something to my life. Whilst they continue to do so I'm happy to interact with them.
Is your brand being constrained by VHS-feature-enhancement thinking? Or have you grasped how by behaving more like you are in a relationship with them you can add value to your consumers lives by being relevant and accessible at the right times?
X-factor may be everywhere but "talent" is subjective
It's X-Factor season in the UK (although personally I'm more of a Strictly Come Dancing fan, despite the shocking costume design this season). There are X Factor stories in the papers everyday. Simon Cowell and his fellow judges getting to appraise and be brutally honest about the finalists talents, and then the public voting for who they want to keep in the competition.
Love it or hate it it's hard to ignore it. 6 year olds today just want to be famous, such is the cult of celebrity. I'm all for encouraging aspiration but at the same time when you see the truly dreadful being propelled forward in the competition because of the value of ridicule it saddens me.
However, you do have to applaud these shows for creating endless amounts of hilarious, entertaining and enduring content & conversation (remember SuBo? 77m views of this video alone). Having just written a post about a music talent competition in Malaysia with a catchy song, I shall expand on the theme and offer you a Boy Band example someone just sent me from Russia from 2007. This blog does like to flag the delights and the disasters from across the web after all. It's another cheesy pop song, but those boys do look like they could do with a little bit of make-over help from the X-Factor team.
Make up your own mind :-)
Catchy Tunes & Bands in Banners from Malaysia
They built sets that were scale models of traditional ad formats, streamed live music performances into banners in situ and then encouraged X-Factor style interaction and voting for favourite acts.
Nice. Who said financial services always had to be dull? Here's a short video that brings the initiative to life:
As my friend Faris says, Talent Imitates, Genius Steals. So applause and compliments to the originators of this Malaysian mash up of Banner Concerts. The winner will be announced on November 21st 2009.
Meanwhile this cheesey but incredibly catchy pop song has been playing every time I've opened Firefox for the last week. But if you can't be bothered to go over to the campaign page, here's the video on YouTube.
I love the notion of content and digital display working hard together to deliver engagement. Smart.
Twitter Advertising in Malaysia
Interesting stuff and well worth clicking on that link above if only for the nice graphics of how WOM works. I wonder how long it will be before we see this rolling out in the UK / elsewhere.
Senin, 02 November 2009
Talking horses and breakfast cereal
There's a time and a place for product benefit messages and there's a time and a place for brand activity that engenders conversation and positive sentiment. Lots of brands are having a hard time getting their heads around this as it goes against years of TV-lead brand building advertising, known GRP's and ad decay curves.
Moving forward in the conversation space is not about throwing the brand baby out with the bathwater nor abandoning brand building altogether, it's about understanding how to balance brand equity activity that delivers recall, awareness, goodwill and conversation currency with activity that delivers sales.
Keeping conversation going the VW way
They asked me to sign up to (which I did on the 9th October) and promised me more fun things soon. Well, they delivered the goods.
Last week I got an email announcing that the site was live (it previously just had a holding page / sign up option) and inviting me to visit and incentivising participation with a prize / competition. Admittedly, they could have put a bit more effort into the copy writing (back to my dating analogy, first impressions count!), but it did what it needed to do:
It made me keen to engage with the brand again, they'd added more content, and hosted some of it on YouTube to make the most of opportunities to engage with people actively coming to their site or those just surfing looking for content on YouTube. Boxes ticked!
There's also some interesting other suggestions up there already, so I'd recommend a visit.
First online flash mob or not, the conversation went so slack I almost forgot...
I'm going to keep using my dating analogy. That's like asking someone if they'd like to go out for a drink and then not bothering to call for over a month to fix a time and a place!? Why would you do that? In the meantime they might start a relationship with someone else.
However, at least they did follow up eventually with this email last week announcing the time of the first online flash mob event, 24 hours after the email was sent.
The small print in the email also told me that I'd only be able to see what my hopper was up to from the computer I created it on which was no use at all as I was in Thailand with my work laptop and I'd created it on a laptop at home in London.
Time difference, distance and technology therefore conspired against me but you can relive the hopper invasion here.
However, we'll allow a degree of points redemption for providing downloadable games and other means of ongoing interaction with the experience / idea via the Sony Ericsson Hopper Invasion website.
Overall as end of term reports go I'll award a "C++ & could do better" for the initiative overall and "A-" for effort because at least as brand they are experimenting and learning. There's no rule book and the only way brands will learn is by trying so dive in.
If you don't ask for that date in the first place, even if it takes a month to follow up, you won't stand a chance!
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