Selasa, 28 Juli 2009

Using Twitter...

Twitter have realised that there's a lot of people and businesses out there that still haven't really grasped what they can do with it & so have published this handy guide to help.

I still love the fact that there are businesses everywhere using it in creative ways - can't remember where I got this from but I know it was taken somewhere in America. Tweet in your order for a quattro stagione pizza :-)

Just one of many examples out there, some that reach many people, some that reach just a few in a local area, but all valuable as we all increasingly use a broad range of tools to communicate. I also like Evan William's TED speech to help explain simply what Twitter is all about (or at least was in February 2009 when it was published, as it's evolving all the time).


If you are going to dive in and join the Twitterati though, I'd recommend that you download Tweetdeck or a similar app (there are many) to make using it more user friendly than tweeting / reading tweets via the website. I also discovered this potentially interesting tool for seeing who is following who in the inter-connected twittersphere.

Tweetfeel also does an interesting if less sophisticated mash-up of Twistori, to show you positive or negative sentiment tweets about your chosen brand or topic.

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