Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010

Coke Israel bring location to Facebook (before Facebook did!)

Just tripped over this interesting example from Coke Israel who ran a summer camp style event at which participants were issued with a wristband with an RFID chip embedded that enabled auto-posting of what activities they got up to at the event & auto-tagging of  themselves in photos.

Arguably this is Facebook Places without the requirement to check-in via mobile & occurred ahead of Facebook Places launching but it illustrates quite well the scope location /technology can add.  Without question it also highlights some of the concerns over privacy and sharing too (read the comments below the video if you choose to watch it on YouTube rather than here), but presumably the teen participants were made aware of how the thing worked given that the chip contained their Facebook login data so they must have agreed to making that available.

Diesel created something similar with Facepark -an offline Facebook-esque experience

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