Rabu, 10 Juni 2009

Content can live on and on

There's yet another Tube strike in London. Travel chaos and misery for many. I frequently walk to work from my mainline station so it hasn't significantly inconvenienced me, and luckily it wasn't raining.

Watching all the people out on bikes who clearly haven't ridden one since they were 10, and the nervous people wandering around with an A to Z in their hands (turn the GPS on your phones on chaps!) made me recall this song / video which has been around for yonks but which always makes me laugh. (There's some slightly colourful language, be warned if you are of a sensitive disposition!)

Forget traditional awareness build and ad decay curves, on the web content can live forever being watched and revisited in peaks and troughs as it becomes more or less relevant, or found by different groups of people. It's reach accumulates over time in less predictable ways but that shouldn't make its contribution any less valuable. Brands just need to think about it differently

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