Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

New video compares new Gyroscope to Motion Sensor, makes us dizzy

One odd omission from Windows Phone 7 at launch was the lack of gyroscope support, a feature that would allow augmented reality apps and more sophisticated motion sensing games to enter the Marketplace. It's a pretty standard feature across nearly all smartphones today and fortunately Microsoft has graciously included it into Mango. Microsoft has also said these new gyro-enabled apps can still be compatible with older hardware lacking the feature thanks to a new Motion Sensor API that uses some math alongside the accelerometer to give the same effect, so no harm no foul.

But in reality how does the new gyroscope compare to the motion sensing-workaround? In the video above you can see for yourself and there's definitely a noticeable difference to our eyes. Of course the gyroscope is the Fujitsu IS12T on the left while the motion sensor is the HTC Trophy on the right. By rotating the devices around we can see that the IS12T is much more precise and one-to-one with real movements while the Trophy appears to be more 'floaty'. It's an interesting comparison and unfortunately proves that it is difficult to implement new features at the same level of performance as new hardware to older hardware.

P.S. If anyone can translate the subtitles in the video that would be super helpful! Just drop a comment below if you know some.

Source: YouTube

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