Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

Weekly Poll: Are you expecting a Nokia Windows Phone on August 17th?

Last Week's Poll

Well it looks like Samsung has made a strong reputation with Windows Phone users and so the Galaxy S II copycat shown off at WPC 2011 just barely beat out the highly anticipated Nokia Sea Ray by only two votes. After that, the only love left over went to the trio of HTC phones with the monstrous Eternity leading ahead of its camera-lovin' and Mozart-sequelin' brothers.

This Week's Poll

Now we've decided as a consolation prize to Nokia's loss against Samsung (in more than just this poll) we're asking you if you really expect to see a Nokia device soon. News just broke a few hours ago that claims Nokia and Microsoft are holding a shindig at Germany's GamesCom 2011 and there's a decent chance a new phone will make at least a cameo. However there's a few holes we found in the story that aren't being filled. For one, why would they tease a new device at a video game convention? Don't get us wrong, we love shooting zombies and unleashing Hadoukens as much as the next guy, but for a smartphone unveiling it's more than just a little unorthodox. Besides that we've also had our hopes up on a Nokia Windows Phone being teased early before, but clearly those rumors didn't work out despite two separate sources claiming it would happen.

So we're pretty skeptical, but forget about us for now; what do you think? Will Nokia really show off a new device at GamesCom 2011 on August 17th or is everyone getting excited over nothing?

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