Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011

SupterTube leaps to v1.9, syncs downloaded videos with PC

Despite our reservations about its interface, there's no denying how feature-rich SuperTube is for the money. The app, developed by FastCode, offers HD streaming and full YouTube community features, but one of its biggest selling points is the ability to download YouTube videos for offline viewing pleasure. With the latest SuperTube v1.9 update, FastCode has added a much sought-after feature to downloaded videos: wireless PC syncing.

We went hands on with the PC syncing feature and it's not too difficult to wrap your head around. First you have to go pick up the Windows-only application from Included in the download is a PDF of instructions and the program itself. Launch the program, and you're asked to set a username and password, which you will use later. After you save that, you click on 'StartupServices' and your PC has made itself visible. Now switch on over to SuperTube and select a few videos with the checkbox on the left side. As you can see in the above screenshot, there's now a dedicated 'Send to PC' link in the My Downloads section. Tap on that and you're asked to enter your PC's IP address first and connect with it, then enter the same username and password you setup earlier. Finish that and now you're finally syncing all of those saved videos to your PC for your viewing pleasure. Plus you never have to deal with all of that setup again, just enter the login details and you can sync as much as you want.

It's not exactly the simplest thing in the world, but we definitely think YouTube power users are going to get a kick out of this new feature. Go get version 1.9 of SuperTube (sorry, it doesn't look like it's compatible with SuperTube Lite) by clicking on either tile below, download the program from, and go enter the world of PC syncing for yourself.

Fast Code
$1.29 + Trial
Version 1.9

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