Rabu, 20 Juli 2011

Developers: Microsoft announces Windows Live & SkyDrive integration for mobile apps

Besides the day the Mango Beta released, today has been like a second Christmas for Windows Phone developers! The official Windows Live Blog has just announced Windows Live integration for mobile apps on iOS, Android and (of course) Windows Phone! This also includes access to SkyDrive content, a feature that we know has been highly requested among developers. Microsoft has also made the entire process dramatically simpler thanks to their easy-to-use http://manage.dev.live.com/ website--all you do is enter your app name and language, and you're given a client ID and client secret in return. Besides that things get a lot more technical and we know we wouldn't be able to do it justice, but we highly recommend you read the entire article at the source link.

Via: LiveSide.net
Source: Windows Live Blog

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