Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Things you wish you'd written

I get paid to read, to think, and to stretch and challenge other people's thinking.  It's an infinite task, and sometimes juggling the projects needing working on, and still finding the time to structure your thinking once so that it can be tweaked and shared later gets out of balance.

So here's a deck that does a fab job of wrapping up lots of the things I preach and believe in one place, falling firmly under the category of things I wish I had had time to write. There's a lot of us singing from the same song sheet around the world, a lot of people thinking about how we make the changing world of communications work harder for our brand owning clients. A lot of it is common sense when you actually step back and think about it, but with client behaviour often entrenched in long term habits and historical thinking, the more of us that shout about the need for change and help create practical ways to approach it the better.  So many thanks to Farrah Bostic for the hard work on behalf of a lot of other great minds around the web.

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